Hello, everyone! We are about to go on a Web Quest. First, I would like to test your knowledge about Ancient Greece with this scavenger hunt. Have fun!

1. What is a city-state? What is the Greek word for city-state?


2. Look at the map and name 5 different city-states that existed

in Ancient Greece.


3. Look at these panoramic pictures of Greece:

Click on the different archeological sites and use your mouse

to go to different viewpoints of the picture. (Make sure you

check out the Epidarus theater)


From your observations, what do you think:

1) the Ancient Greeks wore?

2) the Ancient Greeks did for fun?                                                 

4. What three types of government were most common in

Ancient Greece? 



5. What does the Ancient Greek word 'democracy' translate to

in English?


6. Looking at the timeline on the website, approximately how

many years ago did the Peloponnesian War end?


7. What does polytheistic mean? Name 3 Greek Gods or



8. Read about the Ancient Greek Olympics. What five events

make up the sport called the pentathalon?


When you complete this scavenger hunt, please go to the Web

Quest link below!

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